Join our network of verified suppliers today.

This site has been created out of a growing need to ensure customers are protected against scam artists and fraudsters claiming to be your company. Get on board today and join a network of registered suppliers to combat fraud, be informed and actively restore the market to its former glory.

Join for only R399 p/m

  • Supplier Registration.
  • Supplier Info & Verification Page.
  • Page Backlink to a verified and dedicated supplier page.
  • Display the CFP logo on your site and marketing campaigns.
  • Monthly Newsletter.
  • Fraud Alerts.
  • Scam Alerts.


Why Register as a Supplier ?

With a dedicated supplier page you can display your correct company details, banking details and listed primary contact to potential clients. This will provide a secondary verification platform for your website and company.

Is this a Advertising platform ?

No. The site is for informational purposes only and to provide potential customers to verify your correct details. The site also serves as a differentiator to ensure fraudsters hijacking websites can easily be identified, listed and reported via a single platform.

Does CFP offer Legal Support ?

As this is a independent platform to serve information to the public CFP will remain impartial to investigations, legal disputes and legal actions but will remain 100% committed to supply any information that can assist with such events.

Can any supplier register ?

Yes. You will however need to provide all relevant company information and supporting documents to register as a supplier.

Container Fraud Prevention